主な著書に『中学生・高校生のための吹奏楽楽典・音楽理論』『楽しく身に付く 音楽の基礎知識 音楽記号・用語』(シンコーミュージック刊)『ちゃんとした音楽理論書を読む前に読んでおく本』『ちゃんとした和声学書を読む前に読んでおく本』『3つのケーススタディでよくわかるオーケストレーション技法』『マンガでわかる! 音楽理論1 3』『できる ゼロからはじめる楽譜&リズムの読み方 超入門』『できる ゼロからはじめる楽典超入門』『楽譜作成ソフトFinaleでプロ顔負けの譜面を作ろう!』(リットーミュージック刊)がある。株式会社 H-t studio代表、北海道作曲家協会理事。
The term "rekte" means "to make sounds with the mouth" in the Ainu language.
This piece was composed for the 13th Special Concert organized by the Sapporo Flute Association in 2020. When I was given the opportunity to compose this piece, I was very excited to write a piece that features many more interesting elements, but I eventually went for the concept of writing a piece that could be performed by students, including junior high and high school students. I started composing this piece in the New Year of 2020, when the piece was supposed to be premiered, and I imposed on myself the constraint that I was to finish the piece during the five days I was visiting my hometown of Obihiro in Hokkaido from Tokyo, where I am usually based, which I managed to.
This piece premiered on March 4th, 2023, after the COVID19 pandemic became more contained. I hope this piece will allow you to experience the atmosphere and spirituality of northern Japan.
The piece consists of three parts, each of which has been given a subtitle that evokes a reference image.
The second piece is a multitonal piece with each of the four parts playing in different tonalities.
1. panke = downstream
2. inen = Four people
3. penke = upstream
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