Sherpas(サキソフォンラージアンサンブル)音楽監督、すぎなみ彩楽ウインドシンフォニー 音楽監督、NHK「アリーmyラブ」「ダーマ&グレッグ」「ロズウェル」等 日本語版オープニング/エンディング曲担当、映画「月のあかり」音楽担当、さくらのうた(第22回朝日作曲賞・2012年度AJBAコンクール課題曲)、吹奏楽のための「風之舞」(第14回朝日作曲賞・2004年度AJBAコンクール課題曲)、KA-GU-RA for Band(JBA下谷賞・佳作)、シンフォニック・ダンス(航空自衛隊中部航空音楽隊委嘱)。
There are many models based on legends and folklore from other continents that have found their way into Japanese culture. The roots of the "HOUOH" (phoenix) derive from China's legendary bird, which has been featured in engravings as a form of Japanese decorative art and has become familiar to Japanese people as part of the design of mikoshi (portable shrines).
In the study of ancient Chinese musical scales, it has been said that the pitches of the 12 bamboo tubes (six of which are male and the other six female) match those of the cries of the phoenix, giving rise to two different scales, which then developed into the Ryosenpo and the Rissenpo (Japanese seventone scales similar to the Mixolydian and Dorian modes, respectively) in a manner similar to the distinction between major and minor scales. This piece uses these two scales to create the first (Trp. solo) and second (Ob. solo) themes that unfold gradually in the piece (leading to a symmetry between the upper and lower passages in the score).
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