1990年T.U.B.A. 国際チューバカンファレンス札幌大会ジャズインプロヴィゼイションコンクール第2位。
他の主な作品に、「サニー・サイド・ストリート・パレード」(平成18年度JBA下谷賞受賞作品)、「吹奏楽のための綺想曲 『じゅげむ』」( 2012年度全日本吹奏楽コンクール課題曲)などがある。
I wrote this song to honor a request from Miakegawa Junior High School. It was first performed at the 2008 school year competition.
The title refers, in part, to the hometown sea of my childhood. While the original request for the song was to have the sea as the theme, as I was composing it, I was reminded of the ferry route I take while returning home and the scenery of the sea. As a result, the final song includes a "Hometown Sea" connotation, and my feelings towards my hometown are strongly reflected in the composition. The story in the song goes as follows.
A traveler, attracted by the sounds of waves, goes to the coast and sees a view quite similar to his hometown's sea. Feeling nostalgic, he decides to return home for the first time in a while.
The tempo quickens, and we enter the scene of the journey to the homeland. At first, a pleasant sea breeze is blowing, but the sea suddenly gets choppy, and the traveler is knocked out by the waves. In the middle part of the song, the night sea is dark, gloomy and quiet. The traveler, having regained consciousness, feels inexpressibly alone. As the night begins to dawn, he is relieved, but his nostalgia is, at the same time, deepening, and a painful sense is surging through his heart.
The traveler became very sad, but he is then reminded of his hometown's festival from his childhood, and its songs begin ringing in his head. His feelings towards his hometown having grown stronger, the traveler resumes his journey. The sky clears up, and the sea breeze is even more pleasant than before. The sea, as if standing in the path, once again gets choppy, but the traveler, now more resolute than at the start of his journey, weathers the raging waves and pushes on. After overcoming a particularly large wave, a nostalgic view comes into sight. As the traveler finally returns to "The Sea of Nostalgia", the song closes with a strong note.
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